From the HLP Resource Library at CEC (Council for Exceptional Children)
Content type: Tool
Last Updated: 2 March, 2021
To support teacher educators’ use of HLPs, the CEEDAR Center, in collaboration with Educator Preparation Program faculty across the country, has collected a set of effective practice opportunities, that we refer to as practice-based learning opportunities.
Content type: Report
Last Updated: 2 March, 2021
Read this paper for concrete guidance on how special and general education teachers working together can implement two critical HLPs: Explicit instruction and Feedback. Resources teachers can use to improve their use of high leverage practices are also...
Content type: Book
High Leverage Practices for Inclusive Classrooms offers a set of practices that are integral to the support of student learning, and that can be systematically taught, learned, and implemented by those entering the teaching profession.
Content type: Video
Last Updated: 18 December, 2020
This video provides a definition, background, and rationale for high-leverage practice (HLP) 11 and demonstrates three key components of this HLP through video exemplars from general and special education teachers. This video includes two parts.
Content type: Page
Last Updated: 12 January, 2021
These guides are intended for school leaders (Administrators, Teacher Coaches, Mentors, etc.) to support their teams in effectively implementing the High Leverage Practices in the classroom.
Content type: Webinar
This webinar uses high-leverage practices (HLPs) 1 and 4 to demonstrate how various forms of student data can be evaluated to identify student strengths and areas for improvement as well as how those data can be used to inform instructional decisions.
Content type: Webinar
This webinar provides participants with a variety of strategies for building relationships, creating learning environments that encourage active participation, and checking for understanding to maximize student outcomes.
Content type: Webinar
This webinar provides an overview of the interconnectedness of high-leverage practices (HLPs) and multitiered systems of support and provides resources to support the implementation of HLPs to provide equitable instruction for all students in Georgia.
The webinar also introduces the six upcoming webinars in Georgia's High-Leverage Practices Webinar Series.
Content type: Video
Last Updated: 7 October, 2020
These unedited clips feature video exemplars of teachers implementing high-leverage practices (HLPs) in a variety of instructional settings. The settings include elementary-level, secondary-level, one-on-one, small-group, whole-group, and virtual. There are 16 video clips.
New Additional Unedited Video Clips on Specific High Leverage Practices #7-20 (2022)
CEEDAR Center Library
Content type: Report
Last Updated: 7 October, 2020
This special issues brief from the CEEDAR Center supports state education agencies, educator preparation programs, and local districts in improving teacher preparation by outlining essential features for providing high-quality, structured, and sequenced instructional activities.
Content type: Webinar
In this webinar, panelists discuss the common barriers students experience with distance learning and offer practical strategies and resources highlighted in this special issues brief released by the Collaboration for Effective Educator Development, Accountability, and Reform (CEEDAR Center) and the National Center for Systemic Improvement (NCSI): Removing Barriers to Effective Distance Learning by Applying the High-Leverage Practices. Materials attached : power point, evaluation survey and brief.