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Our Team

NHEESS is governed by a statewide leadership team of K-12 and college educators and administrators and national CEEDAR representatives. We work as a team through local education associations to share best practices, help support the development of relevant leadership training programs through mini-grants and encourage current and future educational leaders to participate in formal training programs. 

Amy Aiello

NH Department of Education


Heather Barker

NH School Administrators Association


Bridey Bellemare

NH Association of School Principals


Jane Bergeron-Beaulieu

NH Association of Special Education Administrators

Steve Bigaj

Keene State College 

Barbara Cohen

NH Private Special Education Association


Marie Coye

SAU 55

John Fabrizio


Melanie Faulkner

SAU 16

Mary Ford

NH Registered Apprenticeships

Andra Hall

SAU 24


Amy Hill

St Anselm College


Denis Jobin

SAU 40 


Lynnette Lawrence

NH Department of Education

Cynthia Lucero

NHTI Community College System of NH 


Kathryn McCurdy

University of New Hampshire


Stephen McDonald


Kevin Murphy

Education Consultant


Lance Neeper

Keene State College

Joey Nichol

NH Department of Education

Nancy Parsons

SAU 70 


Steve Paterson

NH Association of School Principals

Danielle Pelletier

Education Consultant

Jennifer Pomykato

Education Consultant

Irv Richardson

Southern NH University

Helen Rist

Strafford Learning Center


Laura Stoneking

NH Department of Education


Tanya Sturtz

Keene State College

Page Thompkins

Upper Valley Educators Institute

Brian Walker

Plymouth State College

Patty Wons

SAU 31


Kimberly Yarlott



National support staff:


Tim Dove

 CEEDAR at the University of Florida


Elaine McNulty-Knight

CEEDAR and the American Institutes for Research


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NHEESS Team 2024 (those who could attend during a Nor'easter Storm in April)

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